Tomorrow’s temperature will soar to 100 degrees and the battle to stay hydrated officially begins.

There are two outdoor temperatures that get my attention when I experience them for the first time each year. The first is 100 degrees which will roar into town tomorrow.

According to this link, the graph above shows the average temperatures for the Phoenix, Arizona area. You see, once we hit 100 degrees, it stays 100 degrees for months. Months!

Every year once we hit 100 degrees, I’m surprised to find that the simplest of tasks, such as drinking enough water, can become a losing battle quickly. But not this year (hope springs eternal.)

To start, I’ll use a hydration calculator to determine my individual hydration needs.  I’ll ask my family to do the same.

I’ll encourage drinking water as our family’s primary beverage by having easy access to it.  Our refrigerator filtered water and ice dispenser is indispensable to combat the Arizona heat.  We also buy the best tasting filtered water we can afford.  We carry water with us at all times for sipping.  If sipping is a bore, there is the option to drink “3 water meals a day” by drinking to a comfortable fullness.  Room temperature water is easiest to drink. We use a lot of straws.

To increase interest and variety, to our drinking water I’ll add sliced lemon, lime, ginger, cucumber, bruised mint, or berries, cherries, mango, pineapple, oranges, watermelon to water.  Sparkling water is refreshing. We brew teas and herbal drinks and stay away from sugary stuff.

Can’t forget that fruits are 80% to 90% water so we’ll increase fruit and vegetable intake. Believe it or not, we’ll enjoy broth soups, too. I need to set hydration reminders on my phone and tag drinking water to other routine activities such as waking or brushing teeth. Yes, all of this and more to simply stay hydrated.

The second outdoor temperature that gets my attention is 110 degrees. I won’t let myself think about that now. 😉

Do you have any favorite hydration tips? Is dehydration a concern for you? Do you face similar challenges during the summer?

Stay hydrated, stay cool ~~~~~~~~ Angie Mc


30 thoughts on “Tomorrow’s temperature will soar to 100 degrees and the battle to stay hydrated officially begins.

  1. The temps have been slowly rising here. 70s-80s. Expecting upper 60s this weekend. 100F for months, that’s universal lunacy. I just try and drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Thanks, Angie! 🙂

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  2. Hi Angie Mac – whew – looks like it will be hot hot hot there – 🙂 – and your hydration plan sounds good – I once read on mark’s daily apple about how hydration also can come from having something salty with a good fat in it – to replace electrolytes. And this might sound crazy, but a few years ago I actually drank too much water – I loved it and well, I also was under the 1980’s belief system that fat was bad – so anyhow, I do still need to get my daily water in – and I love love love to add lemon – kind of plain – but still my fav…


    Liked by 1 person

      • mmm – my hubs loves the chia seeds. and for me – sometimes I chew on a tablespoon of flax seeds – it might sound bulky to some – but it ends up being so satisfying – like a snack – they kind of melt and ground down and then have all that benefit of allowing the body to make its own omegas. ok – off to check the link you provided…. 🙂


      • ok – checked it out – and they look pretty good – pretty similar to yours in fact – which looks delish. and I like how they wrote this: “This strawberry concoction needs time to chill (don’t we all?)” ha! sending you cool thoughts during your hot weather angie mac! ❤


  3. Oh, Angie…any chance you can head north from June to maybe October ??? ☺ (but it’s such a dry heat…sorry)

    Hydration is so key, I’m with you on the adding fruit to water. Right now it’s lime, frozen berries and fresh strawberry slices for me. The first really good melons have arrived…nothing more refreshing on a hot day. Take care of yourself out there. ❤️ Van

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  4. I don’t dehydrate easily, but half my family does. When we lived in Georgia, it was really important to make sure we drank enough/ ate enough fruit. Here, it’s not too bad most of the time.
    I was seriously upset the other day when I found out that the school field day drinks were soda. Just soda. No water, no tea. Can you imagine?

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