Love in Ten Lines – Challenge #poem #blog #family

As if life isn’t difficult enough. I’m a social-media enthusiast, not a writer, who has been challenged to craft a poem of all things! But here is the delicious bait. The content of what I’m to poet about is love. My wheelhouse. And I happen to love the guy who challenged me. You prankster. Thank you, Mark, of Mark Bialczak fame for thinking of me.

Here are the rules.

•Write about love using only 10 lines.

•Use the word love in every line.

•Each line can only be four words long.

•Nominate others who are up for the challenge.

•Let them know about the challenge.

•Title the post: Love in Ten Lines

•Include a quote about love (this can be your own).

•You may write in any language.

Love in Ten Lines

Love appeared brutal

but that wasn’t love.

Love was obscured

Until we chose love,

Love in marriage.

Love in action.

Generous, self-less, tenacious love.

Love unites and grows

into family who loves.

Love gifted to generations.

It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us. It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own home. Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start. ~ Mother Teresa

And my nominees for this lovely challenge are…

Everyone who connects with me via social media. Your kindnesses have shown me love in action. Whether you consider yourself a writer or not. Whether love is in your blog wheelhouse or not. Your unique love, shared through a poem, can affect others’ hearts.

Sylvester at Syl65’s Blog, you are proven poet on this very topic, have a Cat edition, and at some point I mentioned that you inspired me to consider writing a poem. Thank you for planting the seed.

Ness at Vanessence and Dane at En*Dane*gered, as a mighty blogging husband and wife duo, please, please, please consider sharing a love poem or two with the world. Your comments to each other lead me to believe that you know a thing or two about such matters.

Colette at writerinsoul, John at Get Off My Lawn , and Van at vanbytheriver, thank you for your recent kindness while at Colette’s place. You have brought love into your homes and chosen to share it.

Devin at d.k. pope, whose name means “poet”, thank you for sharing your beautiful words of a lifetime with me. As you can see by my poem, I admire all that you do. And your role as our official family poet remains secure.

Do you consider yourself a writer? A poet? Do you read poetry? Do you enjoy taking on new challenges? What challenge have you enjoyed lately? 

Love ~~~~~~~~ Angie Mc

45 thoughts on “Love in Ten Lines – Challenge #poem #blog #family

  1. Very nice poem!

    I may have to take you up on this challenge. 😀

    To be clear, the lines can be up to 4 words long, but can be less if desired? I see some 3 word lines up there so wanted to be sure. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You hit the poem pitch out of the ballpark, my dear friend Angie McFly. I adore your poem. This is a great tribute to your hubby Dave and your children. Can I let you in on a secret, my love? You are a writer. ❤ Don't ever say you are not. I won't stand for that!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww, a baseball metaphor! Thank you, Mark.

      You and my dear daughter are very encouraging and I humbly accept that I am writer. I’m a newbie who will likely remain a newbie because I can’t possibly work at the craft to the generous extent that you, she, and others do. Writing is hard work and I so appreciate the craft, those who take it seriously, and who do it justice.

      And it is awesome to know that there are serious writers who have my back. I’m a writer because I won’t let my fear of misspellings, poor grammar, and inclination towards using the word “awesome”, sway me from putting love out there via the written word!

      Thank you for looking past my newbie stuff to see me. You’re awesome 😀


    • Thank you for your encouraging feedback! I was happily surprised by how much I enjoyed both the process and the product. I hope I’m not a one hit wonder 😉 Happy Wednesday.


      • Super outlook 😀 Now – if only we could take them ALL on always! lol!! 😉 My head spins with all the amazing things that open up sometimes and it is a terrible chore to be forced to choose where my time will be spent 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I think I adore you already 😀 and speaking of priorities – it is 1am my end of the world and I should PROBABLY be placing sleep as my next step. 😉
        Nice to chat to you. Rest well when you rest time arrives.

        Liked by 1 person

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