Counting stars. Music on which a family can agree. #Lifestyle

Listening to music together as a family is a strong relationship builder.  This week, my teenage son, Ian, and I talked about Counting Stars.  Like Wake Me Up, it has excellent vocals which are supported by good instrumentals. This song has a predominant upbeat and makes good use of pausing.

The lyrics are catchy and broad with a lot of room for putting your own positive spin on them. My son, Ian, hears: work hard to get where you want to be in life and to live life now instead of waiting to count money. I’m interested in the “right” and “wrong” paradox. I hear:  much of what our culture tells us is right or important, isn’t. For example, we’re told the highest priority in life is to have a lot of money to count. For me, counting stars is a metaphor, or at least imagery, to look to the stars, to heaven, for what is right and life-giving.

Do yourself a favor and skip the authorized video. To be fair, I’m not a fan of music videos in general because I prefer to place my own images upon songs.  But this video adds nothing to the song and may detract from it.  I prefer to stick to the image of counting stars in a gorgeous Arizona sky on a crisp December night.  Heavenly.

counting stars

What songs are you listening to with your family?

Lessons learned ~~~~~~~~ Angie Mc

7 thoughts on “Counting stars. Music on which a family can agree. #Lifestyle

  1. Our sons had the privilege of writiing and working with Ryan Teddar/One Republic. He is truly an amazing man…writing from the heart.What a mentor! We are always playing his music. Tonight I will be counting stars. Loved your trying how to figure out to reblog!


    • Marianne, my chin about hit the floor when I read your comment – wow wow WOW! Good for you and your family to experience such a privilege… and I bet Teddar felt privileged too, to work with gifted and hard working young artists. I’ll tell my sons 🙂 And thanks for the reblog. Sending many twinkling stars from my Arizona sky to you ❤


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