Accepting the Love/Hate blog challenge while sitting on a flower-adorned and sun-drenched balcony.

If you haven’t met Vic at Just Plain Ol’ Vic, please do. We share in common a passion for family matters as well as concern about care provision for those with mental health issues. Vic was kind to include me in the Love/Hate blog challenge.



This challenge is enjoying participation from some of my fave bloggers such as Van at vanbytheriver, Mark at Mark Bialczak, Kitt at Kitt O’Malley, and Joey at Joeyfully Stated. I know there are more friends participating but while traveling, I’ve been a bit out of the blog loop. While the rules for this challenge read:

The love/hate challenge consists of listing ten things that I love and then ten things I hate, then nominate 10 bloggers to do the same.

I need to go easy on myself, and perhaps others! Do me a favor, if you have already accepted this challenge, I would love for you to link to it in the comments section. If you haven’t accepted this challenge, what are you waiting for? Consider yourself challenged by me 😀

Ten ordinary things that exhaust me, make my toenails curl, or my blood boil ~~~

Not sleeping well due to physical discomfort or pain.

Schedules and routines collapsing.

When my children smile and nod at my directions and then proceed to do whatever they want.

Eating food because I need to, not because I want to.

Falling, stalling, or dragging while running.

Reading, watching, or hearing lies, especially from those who should know better.

Budweiser. Blech.


Movies that are for “adults” but my teens say I shouldn’t watch them.

Strong wind which is anything more than a breeze.

Extraordinary things that I love!

Gourmet dark chocolate {dairy-free} with lovely additions such as roasted almonds, sea salt, orange zest, mint, coffee beans, cherries, chili pepper, etc.

Vacations to lovely places that have beautiful beaches (Coronado, CA), breathtaking mountains (Vail, CO), pretty snow (Flagstaff, AZ), meandering River Walk (San Antonio, TX), urban chic (Phoenix, AZ & San Francisco, CA), history (Washington, DC, Philadelphia, PA), or theatre (New York, NY).

Craft beer, Irish beer, dark and bitter beer. Beer that is beautiful to look at, wonderful to smell, compliments a meal or snack, and has a personality which tastes delicious.

Sundays that keep all that is lovely about a day of rest. Dressing up for church. Making and eating a big meal. Spending quality time with family and friends.

Enjoying midlife and all its rewards. To have lived through much, learned much, loved much and see it all come together in beautiful, unexpected ways.

Babies. Every. Single. Baby. Each little one is so perfect, so unique, truly a miracle of love regardless of the subjective opinions of adults to the contrary.

Baseball. It’s history. The stats. The dimensions of the field. The ability for some to hit a round ball with a round bat out of the park.  Yogi quotes. The hot dogs and beer and sunshine.

My grandson, Henry. He is a joy, so comfortable in his skin. When he runs to me, jumps in my arms, buries his head in my neck, and hugs me, time stops.

My children. Each makes me and the world, better. Not an over-statement.

My husband. He swept me off my feet and out of my small life to help me see how big love and life could be. Plus, he’s rockin’ the retirement beard now. Can you say, handsome?

Do we share any love/hate things in common?

Love don’t hate ~~~~~~~~ Angie Mc






16 thoughts on “Accepting the Love/Hate blog challenge while sitting on a flower-adorned and sun-drenched balcony.

  1. Of course I share many of these. Nodding disobeying children? Beer me! And not with Budweiser (although I do like their recent commercials)
    Dark chocolate with sea salt, FTW!
    Sundays with or without church, plus cooking and walking, and then lazing around all evening 😀
    Great lists!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh yea. The who “kids hear but not listen to you” thing….yea, big pet peeve of mine!

    Great list BTW. Thanks for accepting the challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

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