I resolve to be brave. What about you? #happy #new #year


Snow, yes snow, fell at the stroke of midnight, welcoming 2015 to Arizona with style.  Snow is rare in our parts, so it was a thrill to have nature’s confetti as part of our New Year’s Eve celebration.  This morning, my friend shared this picture of our snow-covered Superstition Mountains.  Fresh.  Clean.  New.

On January 1, 2014 I was twenty pounds heavier, often exhausted, and I was missing my daughter and her husband.  That day I blogged about Sittin’ on the dock of the bay and waiting to see how our family’s story would unfold.

When we’re newly married and when our kids are young, we plant seeds of thoughts, emotions, values, and habits.  We worry and we wonder.  Then we worry, wonder, and wait some more.  Today, I’m not waiting.  Today I’m free to move forward with speed, passion, and confidence because this past year produced fruit.  Beautiful fruit.

I have no reason to worry or to be afraid.  Fear can become a bad habit, in as much need of breaking as skipping breakfast, not exercising, or staying up late.

I resolve to be brave.  I resolve to be mentally tough, emotionally wise, and to work my tail off.  Social media friends, you are a big part of my fearless 2015 plan.  You share great information, encouragement, and support and I want to say yes to you and your gifts.

Likewise, I want to give you my best.  I’ll pick up my social media presence this year with more content related to what has helped me and my family to heal, endure, and thrive.  Look for more posts on how to eat well, exercise smart, and sleep soundly.  I’ll share tips on how to manage time, get stuff done, and be confident in accomplishments big and small.

And I can’t wait to write more about relationships and love.  Because love is the means and the end.  To love big is to be brave.

What do you resolve for 2015?  What fears will you stare down?  How can I and other social media friends help?  

Let’s roll  ~~~~~~~~ Angie Mc

34 thoughts on “I resolve to be brave. What about you? #happy #new #year

  1. Beautifully said, Mom! In the midst of resolutions that are hastily made and often neglected, I feel confident that your goals for 2015 will come to fruition because of all the work you’ve already done. Bam. Happy to be a little part of it. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • You? A little part of it? How very humble of you, dear ❤ Your confidence in me is priceless. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

      Now to more pressing issues. What shall we feast on for the premier of Downton Abbey? 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post, Angie. I think courage is an under-valued virtue for women. We tend to focus on nurturing others & forget to nurture ourselves by stepping out of what’s familiar & doing things that challenge us. Yes, let’s all be brave in 2015!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “Today I’m free to move forward with speed, passion, and confidence because this past year produced fruit.” Even more than the concrete hooks you’ve nailed here, I love the WAY you went about it, Angie. Your voice. The victory you claim knowing life will continue to present her challenges but taking ownership of what you need to and can.


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    • Thank you so very much, Diana! Oh my goodness, if you can hear My Voice then I’m on the right track! I so want my blog to be a truer reflection of me and my confidence in the joy and purposefulness of life, especially within the context of family life. Here’s to a brave 2015. Cheers!


  4. Angie, it’s so refreshing to read about your fruitful year. I imagine you did have trials and tribulations within it—but you chose to be brave and positive. Brave is what I want to be more of in 2015; my chosen word is trust for this year. I can be brave because I’m choosing to trust Providence.

    Brave Blessings for your 2015 ~ Wendy ❀

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  5. *applause* Yay for you on the weight loss and the whole butt-kicking thing, and theme. 🙂 It’s scary to be brave, and to be honest, I NEVER would have guessed that you felt you weren’t brave already.

    This is me, cheering you on. You GO, woman! 🙂 \o/

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